Made in Canada since 2006 · Sparkling, Raw & Living · Fermented for 60 Days · Authentic Kombucha Must Be Refrigerated 100%

Tonica Kombucha Virgin Cosmpolitan

At Tonica, we’ve created a kombucha mocktail version of everyone’s all time favourite cocktail - the Cosmopolitan. By swapping out vodka for effervescent peach Tonica Kombucha, you’re getting a new kick on an old favourite. Our recipe serves 2-4, so grab your friends for a night in, and enjoy our fresh take on this classic cosmopolitan cocktail recipe. Ingredients Makes 2 – 4 1/2 ounce cocktails 3 ounces mango flavoured Tonica Kombucha 2 ounces orange juice 4 ounces cranberry juice 1/2 ounce fresh lime juice, more to taste 2 lime wheels or wedges, for garnish Directions Fill two martini glasses with crushed ice and set aside to chill. In a cocktail shaker filled with large pieces of ice, pour in all the cocktail ingredients. Shake, then empty the martini glasses of their ice and strain the cocktail evenly between the two glasses. Garnish with lime wedges or lime wheels and serve immediately.