Made in Canada since 2006 · Sparkling, Raw & Living · Fermented for 60 Days · Authentic Kombucha Must Be Refrigerated 100%

Pineapple Lemonade Spritzer

Sip on a #theDELICIOUSkombucha Pineapple Lemonade Spritzer and feel those Spring vibes!

What you need to mix this up:

🍍 3 ounces Tonica Kombucha Pineapple Lemonade

🍍 2 ounces Dry White Wine

🍍 Juice of 1/2 lime, plus 1 piece of pineapple & greenery for garnish 


Add your Pineapple Lemonade to the glass and top with White Wine. Squeeze juice of 1 lime, and garnish!